Moving to Charleston, South Carolina? Bob shares tips on 5 important things to think about when moving to the lowcountry.

My name is Bob Brennaman. I’m a realtor here in Charleston and we’re continuing with our series, ASK BOB, covering questions I’ve been asked a lot over the years and today we’re going to list 5 things that you need to think about if you’re considering moving to Charleston, South Carolina.

I think it’s important to consider what your budget is; what you want to spend on housing. One of the biggest ways I help people that move here, is to sift through their options. It’s essential to know what you’re spending budget is, because there is a large spread of housing prices. For instance, you can buy a $300K to $400K house in Summerville, and you’re going to find something totally different in Mt. Pleasant for $300K to $400K. As you’re preparing to start looking for a house, it’s essential that you talk to a lender right out of the gate, unless you’re paying cash obviously. But again, coming up with a budget, I’ve got good lenders here I can recommend to you that I’ve worked with for ten years that are awesome.

Another thing that I think is important, is to determine what sort of commute you want to have every day. If you can give me a general idea of where you think you would be working, I can help you understand drive times. People move here from bigger cities and are used to long commutes, but I think part of moving to Charleston, is that people want to simplify their lives, moving from big cities, so if you give me a general idea, I can talk to you about drive times and give you an idea what you would be looking at, as far as a commute goes. Whether that’s a commute to the beach of ten minutes or a quick commute to good shopping and restaurants.

Another thing to think about; remind yourself of, is that Charleston is a super friendly place, whether you’re moving here with kids or without kids, I think one of the biggest concerns that people have, is how are we going to fit in…in Charleston. And Charleston is full of transplants. There are few people who I meet over the years that are actually from Charleston. If you’re moving here with kids, remind yourself that kids are a lot more resilient. I know that raising children of my own for the last 15 years, kids have a much better bounce back than we do and they’re generally going to fall in line with your attitude and how you feel, so I think, everybody, as a parent or as a grown person with your kids grown or moving here with kids, you’re gonna feel a lot more comfortable when you get here and you realize everybody is kind of in the same boat; they’re all transplants, for the most part.

I also think it’s important to pick two or three items that are most important to you about a house. I see buyers, a lot of times, getting tied up with a list, a mile long, of things they feel like they have to have in a house, and unless you have an unlimited budget, you’re going to have to compromise somewhere.

The final thing I’m going to share in this piece, is that moving is super stressful, and a lot of times people don’t prepare themselves for the stress. They’re arguing with their significant other or they’re yelling at the kids. They’re just feeling a lot of anxiety, second guessing themselves. I think, a lot of times, it’s just not preparing yourself mentally for what you’re getting ready to tackle. Moving somewhere is right up there with death and divorce on the stress scale. So again, get your mind set that it’s going to be stressful, that there’s going to be some bumps in the road, but that’s what we’re here to help you do; is kind of help you work through those things.

Alright, guys, I hope you enjoyed the piece today. We’re here to help any way we can. If you have questions about Charleston, schools, restaurants, housing; anything related to the area, you can reach THE BRENNAMAN GROUP at 843.345.6074. You can always check us out on the web at Thanks so much, ya’ll!

For any questions related to Charleston or real estate, contact Bob Brennaman at the Brennaman Group: 843-345-6074 or email at [email protected]

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